It takes a lot to be an ace. Choose wisely.
With Aludecor Ace, 6mm ACPs, you receive a host of distinctive features. Easy to install and maintain these are resistant to borer, termite, fungi, chemicals and UV rays. Besides they are highly cost effective and durable.
Aludecor Ace can be riveted directly into the substrate. This leaves out the use of silicone completely. With these ACPs non-bleeding, gorgeous facades are possible easily.
Quick installation, easy maintenance and design-friendliness makes Aludecor Ace a favourite with architects and home-owners alike. It aces pretty much everywhere!
Commercial spaces
Product highlights
- Resistance to UV rays
- Weather-proof
- Resistance to swelling in boiling water
- Resistance to stains
- Fire-retardant
- Withstands strikes and abrasion
- Easy to install and maintain
- Lightweight and flexible
- Easier perforation and design precision
Areas of application
- Façade
- Boundary wall
- Ceiling
- Pergola
- Entrance
- Railing
- Louvre
- Canopy
- Balcony
- Signage and more

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