Welcome a new dawn of fire safety with the only made-in-India A2 grade fire-retardant ACP sheets, Aludecor Firewall A2. Aludecor is the first Indian brand to receive the FPC (Factory Production Control) certificate from Exova Warringtonfire (UK).
What is FireWall A2?
A2 is the highest available grade of fire-retardant Aluminium Composite Panel in the world, made with more than 90% inorganic mineral content. It has fireproof properties similar to metals.
It can effectively protect high-rises beyond 15 meters, industrial and public buildings, airports, hospitals, hotels, tunnels, and underground stations. It releases a negligible amount of heat and doesn’t contribute to flame spread at all. No toxic gases or smoke and flaming droplets are produced, it ensures negligible damage to property, hassle-free evacuation, and zero chance of casualty.
- For high-rises beyond 15 meters, FireWall A2 is a better and safer material compared to other fire-retardant ACP sheets.
- FireWall A2 releases negligible heat, no smoke and produces zero flaming droplets.
- While FireWall resists fire, FireWall A2, owing to its 90% mineral content, completely stops it from spreading.

Fire-retardant ACP Sheets
Aludecor FireWall fire-retardant ACP sheets having more than 71% mineral content is a tried and tested non-halogenated FR ACP that:

- Will not produce toxic gases that cause death. 80% of death in a fire accident is caused by smoke, which is a dreadful combination of CO and CO2.The haemoglobin in our blood loves carbon monoxide much more than oxygen.
- Will not blur vision and thus make it easy for people to get out from the escape routes.
- Will not release excessive heat onto other materials that can cause fire.
- Will not contribute to rapid spreading of flames towards the upper floors of the building, for 2 hours, as an exterior cladding of typical Indian construction.
- Will not melt into flaming droplets and instead turn into innocuous dust particles.
- Will not come off the façade when the building is doused with water through firehose.
The Core Secret
FireWall A2 is 90% halogen-free, inorganic material that produces water vapour when it heats up.FireWall has more than 71% mineral content. Both do not produce toxic gases like halogenated materials.
Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) is the non-halogenated material that is mixed with PE to form the core of Aludecor’s FR products. MDH has a better fire-resistance performance than aluminium trihydrate (ATH), the other non-halogenated material, owing to higher decomposition temperature. Furthermore, MDH is more environment-friendly than other similar materials.

MDH delays the PE transformation from solid to plastic (the point of ignition) up to 360°C, by releasing water molecules and bringing down the temperature continuously.
Core Details | Polyethylene | Magnesium Hydroxide (MDH) | Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH) |
Chemical reaction | CH2 + O2 = CO2 + H2O | Mg(OH)2 = MgO + H2O | 2Al(OH)3 = Al2O3 + 3H2O |
Decomposition temperature | 90˚C to 110˚C | 310˚C to 360˚C | 190˚C to 240˚C |
Status | Heat generation | Heat absorption | Heat absorption |
The State-of-the-Art FR Grade ACP Production Unit

At Aludecor, the end-to-end production facility is foolproof and competes with global standards. The two production units spread over 25,000 sq. at Haridwar are equipped with up-to-date technology and testing facilities. The stringent quality control system keeps a sharp eye on each unit produced.
Product Certifications and Reports
Aludecor MCPs can come in both Aludecor Firewall A2 and Aludecor Firewall (Fire-Retardant grade). These are Factory Production Control Certified from Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) for Reaction to Fire classifications of EN 13501-1 Class A2-s1, d0 for Aludecor Firewall A2 and EN 13501-1 Class B-s1, d0 for Aludecor Firewall. Aludecor Firewall is also having a product range which is Factory Production Control Certified from ESL for Class B1 in accordance to DIN 4102.

FPC vs 1a
An FPC which underscores the validity of the production process followed in a factory is considered much more important and relevant compared to a simple test report received from testing organisations. The issue of an FPC involves thorough checking and testing at the factory concerned. In FPC both the product and the process employed to manufacture it are tested by agencies like Exova which have fire-testing labs.
The 1a certification for an Indian plant implies that a company is using the same category of machinery, not necessarily the same machinery, capable of producing a similar product. The product itself is not tested.
The All-Important Baby Step

Aludecor is equipped with Baby Line, a miniature version of an ACP Lamination Line, for trial production of the Aludecor mineral core.
The mineral core produced in this Baby Line is subjected to rigorous tests, and only on clearing them, is the particular batch sent for final production.
Quality Check at the In-House FR Lab

Ignitability Test | Non-Combustibility Test |
Checks the magnitude of ignition in compliance with EN1182. | Checks at what temperature the material would be set aflame. |
Materials that catch fire easily are more ignitable, flammable or combustible. For example, the paper is more ignitable or flammable than wood. Various testing procedures can be treated as effective tools to quantify the capability of any material to resist fire. There are international protocols in place to determine the flammability or combustibility of different kinds of substances.
The EN13501-1 is an effective way to test combustibility of various materials.

Checks the magnitude of ignition in compliance w ith 150:11925-2

Checks the temperature at which the material is set aflame, as per 150:1182-2010 standard

Checks the minimum oxygen requirement to ignite the material, as per ASTMD 2863

Checks the overall smoke density, the amount of smoke generated while a material burns. A lso, if EXIT sign in the mac hine is visible, it assures the product will not blur the vision.

Checks reaction to fire tests for products through determination of t he gross heat of combust ion (calor ific value) in accordance wit h EN 13501-1 and in compliance with ISO 1716:2010

The Drum Peel Test is done to check the bonding strength.
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